多文化・環境共生型野外フリーイベント みんなちがってみんないい2015





2015年 3月吉日 実行委員長 保高泰一

Since the Great Tohoku Earthquake, four years have already passed. A full recovery from it still looks very far. At the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant owned by the Tokyo Electric Power Company, even to this day, much efforts made by many people never seem to be enough to end the disaster.

At the same time, we seem to forget about the disaster due to a variety of other things that have happened since then. People seem to be too overwhelmed to properly deal with these many things, and we are also concerned about their potential inclination to totalitarianism.

Japanese as a whole must contemplate the ongoing problems in Fukushima and Okinawa. It may be necessary to stop and think what is going on and where we are going now.

We started this event “We’re different & that’s great” in the hope of inspiring people to respect each other’s differences and live joyously.

This is our eighth time (23rd since its precursor), and we very much look forward to having a great time together by the river.

Chairman of the Committee, Hotaka Taichi

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